Preserving the Green Heart of Lagan Valley:
In a triumphant display of community strength, our petition to protect the Lagan Valley Regional Park AONB has surpassed a significant milestone—1500 signatures and counting! This achievement is more than a number; it is a testament to the shared commitment of a community determined to shield its green fields, home to priority protected species and a 165-year-old hawthorn hedge.
A Living Tapestry of Biodiversity and History
Beyond the ink on the petition pages lie stories of residents who have called this area home for generations, and newcomers who have found solace in its natural beauty. The Lagan Valley Regional Park is not just a picturesque landscape; it’s a living tapestry of biodiversity and history, an invaluable asset that we are resolute in preserving.
Heartfelt Gratitude to Our Supporters
To each person who added their signature, whether a long-time supporter or a recent addition, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Your belief in our cause serves as a beacon, guiding us in our mission to protect the very essence of our community.
Beyond the Numbers: A Collective Call for Protection
This achievement is not the culmination of our efforts but a stepping stone towards a greater goal. The signatures on our petition are not merely numbers; they are a collective call for protection and preservation, a plea to safeguard the unique ecological and historical significance of our beloved green fields.
What’s Next in Our Journey
As we bask in the joy of this milestone, we invite everyone to stay engaged. The Quarterlands community is a dynamic force, and we will continue to share updates, stories, and ways in which you can contribute to our ongoing mission. Your involvement is paramount as we navigate this critical juncture.
A Resounding Thank You to Our Supporters
To everyone who has joined our cause, whether through a signature an objection letter or a shared sentiment, we offer a resounding thank you. Your support is the heartbeat of Quarterlands, propelling us forward with determination and purpose.
In the face of looming threats of development, our community stands united. This is not just a fight against construction; it’s a rallying cry for the preservation of a way of life, a commitment to protect the green heart of Lagan Valley.
Here’s to our vibrant community, making a difference one signature at a time!