What’s Happening

Developers want to develop.

Their plans are to build many houses and hotels, carparks and roads in the middle of Our Lagan Valley Regional Park, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and SLNCI and Northern Irelands ONLY designated Regional Park. Destroying the green spaces we cherish. Due care and attention has not been paid to the Biodiversity and Infrastructure of our environment and we are therefore raising strong objection. 

Putting more pressure on our already overloaded sewerage system and roads. With minimal public transport no local shops or schools this area needs care and investment.

This is the most recent of very many developments suggested for this area. The planning portal is broken. Objections are taking months to show there or are not showing at all and in the meantime the ‘planning process’ goes on. If we don’t speak up we will all lose what we all treasure and the green belt will be a sea of 1980s style houses and a barren desert bereft of wildlife. 

[hit play button above mouseover the video and click expand screen icon to view]

LCCC Planners News Planning Portal Q Blog WwTW

Codes of Practice – Questions?

Summary of Preliminary Observations Regarding NI Water’s Response to LCCC This letter highlights concerns regarding NI Water’s adherence to the British Water’s Code of Practice for sewage treatment systems specifically at Drumbeg Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW). Key points include: Overall, there is [...]


LCCC Planners Q Blog Water WwTW

This Makes No Sense

June 2024 Update: Drumbeg Wastewater Treatment Works at Capacity – No New Development Northern Ireland Water has confirmed once again that Drumbeg Wastewater Treatment Works is at full capacity, as of June 2024. This means no new development can be facilitated in the [...]


Latest News and Stories

About this development the Lagan Valley Regional Park, Drumbeg and the State of Nature.

On page 53 of our Q5 document you can see the future –
Proposal drawings for developments of hundreds of houses in the lands beside this little development. 




In the Centre of Lagan Valley Regional Park During the planning committee meetings it was mentioned a number of times that Drumbeg [...]

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accidental activists LCCC Planners News Q Blog

News Update

LCCC Planning Committee recommended approval of the Development at Quarterlands Road on 14 October 2024. This decision marks a significant moment for [...]

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Q Blog Water

Blue-green algae map

This map on the ARCGIS website shows the locations where blue-green algae is present in Northern Ireland waterways. Currently this amounts to [...]

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Q Blog Water

The River Valley

The Red Dot Shows Drumbeg. Planners seem unable to face the fact that all water, dirty or clean, connected with the proposed [...]

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LCCC Planners News Planning Portal Q Blog WwTW

Codes of Practice – Questions?

Summary of Preliminary Observations Regarding NI Water’s Response to LCCC This letter highlights concerns regarding NI Water’s adherence to the British Water’s [...]

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Biodiversity Hedgerow News Q Blog

The Hawthorn Hedge

…and why it is important The Hawthorn Hedgerow is Crucial to Our Environment The central Hawthorn hedgerow at Quarterlands is more than [...]

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Read more on the qblog


This what3words address refers to a 3 metre square location in the middle of our Hawthorn Hedge. Tap the link below or enter the 3 words ///clock.cool.actor into the free what3words app to find it.  (once there try clicking the satellite view)


67+ Protected Species 21+ Priority Protected Species resident in and around a proposed building site along the Quarterlands Road in the Lagan Valley Regional Park, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Site of Local Nature Conservation in Northern Ireland on the outskirts of Belfast. All the photographs and videos were taken by residents in and around the site.

See how exotic and marvellous the nature we have all around us is?
Don’t Bulldoze Our Biodiversity –

Videos by residents with ambient sound.

Photographs by residents with music.


Q1 (Quarterlands 1) : We researched many aspects of planning in the Lagan Valley Regional Park and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and have submitted these documents to the planning authority. This became known as Q1 (Quarterlands 1) or The Big Document.

Q2: The developers lodged a rebuttal document which you can see on the planning portal, Q2 is our response to their rebuttal. It also contains interesting maps showing the designation of land over time and asks about Lagan Valley Regional Park, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty being changed and zoned?. 

Q3: In March 2023 the developers lodged more drawings with the planning office showing further changes to the boundary planting. The removal of part of the green at Hambleden Park and the movement of houses to facilitate further vehicle access to the land beyond the site. So we wrote Q3 in answer. 

Q4: In November 2023 the developer submitted an ‘ecological report’ This is our response. Submitted to LCCC Planners 1.4.24. 

Q5: In November/ December 2023 the developers lodged hundreds more pages on the Planning Portal. We read and responded to particularly the Ecological Appraisal Report our Q4. The Developers Rebuttal to our points, we understand to have been written by a KC our Q5.

Quick Q is the bullet point summary of our objections before the Committee Meeting Feb 2024.

Q6: In February 2024 we also drew attention to questions involving human rights, equality impact assessment and serious concerns about procedure. 

Documents We have researched and written

33 Months on…

We have been surprised and disappointed by the lack of care for our community. The [...]

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Short Form: Main Objections August 2024

Update: There are currently over 400 letters of objection from individual residents in the area [...]

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Concerns Over Planning Application Process

Section 43 of the Local Government Act (NI) 2014 Dear Community, We wish to express [...]

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Footways and Footpaths, accidents by design??

Concerns on Proposed Development Site Design: Key Safety Points 1. PSD Maps for Review: Attached [...]

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FOI: re PDE further concerns

As we continue to navigate the intricacies of development application LA05/2022/0033/F, we wanted to bring [...]

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FOI: Section 76

We’ve got a bit of a fun read for you today. You know those pesky [...]

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Green veined white Hambleden


Help make our voice heard


What We Want

No More Building in Lagan Valley Regional Park


Don’t Bulldoze Our Biodiversity

About Quarterlands.com

We are Quarterlands Group and have as our aim protecting the Lagan Valley Regional Park by conserving Heritage Hedgerows and grasslands at Quarterlands Road to promote a healthy environment and biodiversity.

We are a voluntary group of concerned locals and others with an interest in conserving the LVRP with no financial interest in the matter in which they seek to influence planners.

We have created this website so that other voluntary groups are able to benefit from the work we undertake in this area of LVRP.

Where it began..

In Dec 2021 another developer dropped another planning application to the planners at LCCC.

In late January 2022 the notification landed on a handful of local doormats. With less than a week to respond to the application one of our number asked friends and neighbours what they thought. None of them had heard about it. A group of us got together on Zoom to talk about it and decided that we needed to find out more. 

Quarterlands.com is part of the finding out. We’d like to know what you think and to ask for your support to challenge the flurry of applications and building projects in the area. 

We live in Lagan Valley Regional Park, in an area of outstanding natural beauty and we genuinely fear that we will lose what makes this such a lovely place to live if we don’t challenge.

Quarterlands Videos

All taken in and around the proposed site. 

If you are on an Accidental Activist journey Like ours

See this post in our Q BLOG

Click me!


Some of our group have been sharing this leaflet in the area to tell more of our friends and neighbours about what’s happening here. 

Our Leaflet

River Lagan


Make your voice heard


Latest News and Stories

About this development the Lagan Valley Regional Park, Drumbeg and the State of Nature.



In the Centre of Lagan Valley Regional Park During the planning committee meetings it was mentioned a number of times that [...]

read more

accidental activists LCCC Planners News Q Blog

News Update

LCCC Planning Committee recommended approval of the Development at Quarterlands Road on 14 October 2024. This decision marks a significant moment [...]

read more

Q Blog Water

Blue-green algae map

This map on the ARCGIS website shows the locations where blue-green algae is present in Northern Ireland waterways. Currently this amounts [...]

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Q Blog Water

The River Valley

The Red Dot Shows Drumbeg. Planners seem unable to face the fact that all water, dirty or clean, connected with the [...]

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LCCC Planners News Planning Portal Q Blog WwTW

Codes of Practice – Questions?

Summary of Preliminary Observations Regarding NI Water’s Response to LCCC This letter highlights concerns regarding NI Water’s adherence to the British [...]

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Biodiversity Hedgerow News Q Blog

The Hawthorn Hedge

…and why it is important The Hawthorn Hedgerow is Crucial to Our Environment The central Hawthorn hedgerow at Quarterlands is more [...]

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LCCC Planners LVRP MAP Q Blog


The case was deferred again. As you know our case is good and well put. Our team and a number of [...]

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Documents LCCC Planners Planning Portal Q Blog

33 Months on…

We have been surprised and disappointed by the lack of care for our community. The disregard for the biodiversity, the lack [...]

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Read more on the qblog

Why Get Involved?

We have the privilege of the Lagan Valley Regional Park an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Our biodiversity is rich. We have rare plants and animals, we have green spaces and watercourses which need our protection. Our infrastructure is in need of improvement. Our local amenities need to exist. We can see that developers are profiting and fear that local planning authorities may not be fully considering the whole picture.

If we don’t raise awareness and voices to protect and improve the area we will lose it for ourselves and the generations to come as it will simply continue to be built over.  

What to do

How To Object


Write a Letter explaining your concerns to the planning authority.

Write your objection.

Quote the planning number


Email to Planning

Sign the Petiton

Click Here and Sign on Change.org

Click me!

Don’t Bulldoze Our Biodiversity

Quarterlands Group are residents of Lagan Valley Regional Park an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty south of Belfast.

We have rare plants and animals, we have green spaces and watercourses which need our protection. We can all see developers building across the park and zoning changes in what were once green belt areas. Profits are being made from our wild spaces, species are being harmed and lost. Environmental pressures from climate change are being dodged and we fear that local planning authorities may be missing the point.

We need to make our voices heard to protect what we have for ourselves and for future generations.  

Please sign the petition and stand with your friends and neighbours to call a halt and a rethink. 


Make Calls or Send emails

Our elected representatives should hear your thoughts on these matters.

Send copies of your objections to

Emma Little-Pengelly –



Robbie Butler (UUP) – robbie.butler@mla.niassembly.gov.uk

Sorcha Eastwood (ALL) – sorcha.eastwood@mla.niassembly.gov.uk

Paul Givan (DUP) – paul.givan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk

David Honeyford (ALL) – david.honeyford@mla.niassembly.gov.uk



Andrew Gowan (DUP) – andrew.gowan@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk

Uel Mackin (DUP) – uel.mackin@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk

Aaron McIntyre (ALL) – aaron.mcintyre@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk

Kurtis Dickson (ALL) – kurtis.dickson@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk

James Baird (UUP) – james.baird@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk


Visit the NI Direct Planning Portal and register your objection.

Copy and Paste this planning number to find all the documents and register your objection.


Ladybird, photo credit: R McDade


Make your voice heard