Unwrapping an Unexpected Gift: A Little Holiday Planning Surprise

Quarterlands at Christmas

Hello, Drumbeg!

Hope this message finds you sipping cocoa and wrapped in the cozy warmth of the holiday season. Today, we’re diving into a little planning adventure with a dash of unexpected excitement regarding our dear friend, LA05/2022/0033/F.

Picture this: twinkling lights, festive decorations, and, surprise, a whopping twenty-one new documents from the developer under the digital tree between November 3rd and December 6th, 2023! A grand total of 256 pages, each with its own story to tell about our proposed development.

Let’s unwrap the planning present:

  • Ecological Appraisal: 44 pages
  • PI Forms: 11 pages
  • Landscape Management: 14 pages
  • Landscape Design: 6 pages
  • Design and Access: 31 pages
  • Tree Survey Report: 12 pages
  • Tree Survey Report Sheet: 2 pages
  • Rebuttal Statement: 91 pages
  • Design and Access Statement: 33 pages
  • Plus, a bonus round of supplementary docs: 12 pages of Floor Plans, Elevations, Daylight Analysis, Proposed Site Sections, Tree Constraints Plan, Landscape General Arrangement Plan, Schedule 2, Plan1 Site, Schedule 3 Plan AHA.

N.B. If you’ve skipped an objection into the portal, keep an eye out— the Rebuttal Statement in the new documents is the gift that keeps on giving. If things don’t quite jingle your bells, jot down a note and send it to our planning pals. Dive into the planning portal through this magic link and copy and paste LA05/2022/0033/F. And, of course, feel free to share this little holiday surprise with fellow residents—it’s the season of giving, after all!

Now, speaking of time, we totally get that ten days might feel like a bit of a holiday hustle. While the developers and their merry band of advisers have had months to craft this yuletide joy, we, the local elves, are given a tight ten days to dance through this merry document maze.

So, here’s our little wish: can we get an extension, Santa? A few extra days to sip cocoa, dissect these new documents, and contribute some thoughtful feedback. We’re all about making this planning process as merry and bright as possible!

Your support in spreading this festive plea and helping us unwrap this holiday surprise with grace and good cheer means the world to us. Thanks a million for your time, understanding, and the holiday magic you bring to our community.

Wishing you all a joyous season and many festive surprises.