Q5-Key Objections

Q5 Created Graphic

Quarterlands Group Introductory Comments and key points arising from the Developers submissions


Welcome to our comprehensive objection document Q5, outlining again our concerns regarding the proposed housing development (LA05/2022/0033/F) within the Lagan Valley Regional Park, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Our objections are rooted in the safeguarding of this cherished space, its infrastructure, and the well-being of its residents.

Our Q5 document is largely written in response to the rebuttal of our previous points by the developers and their KC.

1. Planning Policy Objection:

The proposed development contradicts the newly adopted Local Development Plan 2032 (LDP 2032), which takes precedence over previous plans. The LDP 2032 emphasizes protecting open spaces, specifically highlighting the significance of the Lagan Valley Regional Park. Any deviation from this plan undermines the community’s vision for a sustainable and green future.

2. Environmental Impact Objection:

Our objection revolves around the inadequate assessment of the site’s ecological and landscape integrity and worth. The destruction of a 165-year-old hawthorn hedgerow, the removal of vital grasslands, and overall flawed ecology assessments pose severe threats to our biodiversity. The proposal ignores the importance of preserving habitats, in the light of increasingly well known facts about the importance of preserving and promoting all wildlife and wild spaces, wantonly impacting protected and priority protected species.

3. Infrastructure Objection:

Currently inadequate infrastructure, including sewerage and traffic management, pose serious concerns. The existing waste treatment facility’s capacity issues, coupled with the narrow Quarterlands Road, raise alarms about potential flooding and pollution risks. Insufficient disability access planning and public transport options further compound the infrastructure inadequacies.

4. Design, Siting, and Layout Objection:

The proposed development’s architectural style and layout clash with the local area’s character. The lack of regard to new environmentally aware building practices. The discrepancy in building heights, serious safety concerns related to shared surfaces, and the impact on residents’ amenities violate the essence of a harmonious and safe living environment. Our objections are rooted in the right to enjoy our properties and the protection of our surroundings and the future of the area under various legal frameworks.

This summary provides a brief overview of our objections.

We invite stakeholders, residents, and decision-makers to carefully consider the implications of this development on the Lagan Valley Regional Park both now and in the future, we have seen the plans for the future and wish to retain green space integrity and quality of life for its inhabitants.


We do understand that only the LDP 2032 and SPPS are relevant, and there is no interim arrangement. We wish to make it clear at the very beginning that we have asked for similar action in respect of the Rebuttal from the Planners as advice repeatedly provided to us in terms of being told by Planners that they would redact or return comments made by us not in keeping with the LDP.

Every Neighbour Notification letter frpm LCCC Planning Department has stated

‘Please note we can only take into account issues which are relevant to planning and can only refuse applications where there are sound and clear-cut planning reasons to do so. Where we consider the nature of comments made or information provided in a representation is such that it largely detracts from the relevant planning matters, we will either redact the relevant information or alternatively the representation may be returned to the sender with a covering letter advising that the representation should be reconsidered and reworded before being resubmitted.’

27 emails and countless posted letters saying the same thing received to just the email address of the Quarterlands Group contact@quarterlands.com the latest being on 7/12/23 as well as this having been made clear throughout in person and in calls.

Therefore, comments we are making in respect of the Rebuttal’s use of previous plans and policies is because of lack of response from Planners to our repeated enquiry re LDP being the sole extant document with SPPS and a repeated lack of information from them as to what their guidelines are on which planning applications are decided.

In the absence of a useful response and guidance from LCCC Planners we have felt forced to respond to the developers documents published on the portal Nov, Dec 2023 containing cherry picked legislation from the LAP2001, dBMAP, unlawful BMAP etc. as well as referencing the irrelevant previous planning application for the site.

However we have highlighted them throughout our Q5 document to emphasise how often they are used despite their irrelevance in terms of what we have been told is the extant legislation.

Welcome to Our Q5 document – download it here

Please note the reproduction of this document on the LCCC Planning Portal renders parts of it unreadable.