Letter 2 to LCCC Planners re: altered documents

Proposed site LA05/2022/0033/F we will lose the biodiversity

On February 1 we sent Q4 and Q5 our new documents to the LCCC Planning department (see on our documents page). One of our group happened to check Q4 a few days later and found that not only were there pages missing and out of order but content, had been removed. They had retitled it as redacted but we understand that redaction and removal are two different things.

See our previous post for more detail

We had a reply from LCCC Planners on 9 February saying

Thank you for your email dated 7 February 2024.
Upon receipt of your email,  I asked our business support team to investigate this query.
It does appear that some of the pages of this document did not scan properly. However, I can assure you that this was not a deliberate action. It was an administrative error and in no way is an abuse of process.
Accordingly, the incomplete version of the document has been removed from the Planning portal,  re-scanned and uploaded again correctly.
Apologies for any confusion and I trust this rectifies the situation.

LCCC Planning Department

But Wait

We had a look at the ‘rescanned’ document and found our Q4 document still showing evidence of tampering.

This morning we have sent another letter.

Dear Planners

I hope this message finds you well.

Upon reviewing the document that you have uploaded to the planning portal to replace the one which had been altered, I regret to inform you that it is still not corrected. Despite your further alterations, there are several issues that remain unresolved. Specifically, we see that the pages are still out of order, and the missing paragraph has not been restored. Furthermore, it is of very poor visual quality, which is concerning given its intended use.  Of particular concern is the inclusion of the word “redacted” in the title, which is incorrect. This oversight denotes alteration by you which we are not aware of.

Considering these continuing deficiencies, I kindly request that you replace the current version of the document with our original version Q4 which we again enclose.

Q4 Response to Ecological Appraisal Report by Aecom 040123  

We are also now aware of the poor reproduction quality of our Q5 Review of Planning Application by Quarterlands Group again you have made parts illegible so we enclose that document too in the expectation that you will also replace the poor copy on your portal with our clear copy. 

We expect to hear from you that you have successfully received this email and both the enclosed documents.

I understand that rectifying these issues may require additional time and effort on your part.  Should you require any further clarification or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you once again for your attention to this matter.

We look forward to viewing our original documents (originally sent February 1) on the Planning Portal as soon as possible.

Kind regards

Quarterlands Group

We await developments.