Our latest leaflet is designed to inform residents about problems with the local sewage system.

Since 2019 NI Water have said that the infrastructure serving our area is at capacity and yet development continues to be approved. Our research has found serious issues both with Drumbeg Waste Water Treatment works and the ancient pipework in and around our homes.

Let’s take a look at the problems that can occur when the sewage system is overloaded.

Overflowing toilets
Imagine flushing and it all comes back up.

Polluted waterways
Overflowing sewage can end up in our rivers and streams affecting our clean, green community. Just look at Lough Neagh.

Health hazards
Improperly managed sewage breeds diseases, threatening everyone’s health.

Smelly streets
Unchecked sewage leads to unpleasant odours in our communities.

Flooding nightmares
Frequent flooding can push waste onto roads and into homes.

We need:
Better planning and infrastructure. Don’t let our biodiversity and community drown in sewage issues.

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