
Important Update: Evidence of Badger Activity on Proposed Development Site

We wanted to share some significant news with you. Recently, we captured a video of a badger foraging in a Quarterlands back garden. This discovery comes as no surprise to the residents, given the numerous sightings and recordings of both dead and live animals in the area. However, this solid evidence confirms their presence among us, directly contradicting the findings of the original inadequate AECOM report and their subsequent ‘in-depth’ report about this site.

This submission is part of our ongoing efforts to demonstrate the rich biodiversity on the site of planning application LA05/2022/0033/F. The evidence we have gathered showcases the incredible diversity of both plant and wildlife that would be destroyed if the proposed development proceeds. See our galleries for wonderful video and photos. The planned houses are not only ugly and oversized but also unnecessary and unwanted in Drumbeg.

We have shared this evidence with Badgers NI, and they have assured us they will formally contact NIEA. We hope this information will be carefully considered regarding the proposed development and its potentially unlawful consequences for this highly protected species.

Lagan Valley Regional Park, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the ONLY Regional Park in Northern Ireland, is experiencing a biodiversity crisis. It is imperative that we preserve this unique habitat instead of supporting unnecessary and unwanted development.

We urge you to stay informed and join us in our efforts to protect this vital natural area. Your support is crucial in our fight to maintain the beauty and biodiversity of our community.

Stay tuned for more updates and ways you can get involved.


The Quarterlands Group