Why Building in Lagan Valley Regional Park AONB Spells Disaster

It’s with a heavy heart that we report yet another instance of flooding in Drumbeg. As our videos from today show, the River Lagan has once again burst its banks, raising serious questions about the impact of ongoing development in the Lagan Valley Regional Park Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

The Soakaway Solution: A Natural Defense Against Flooding

The recent flooding incidents underscore the urgent need to reconsider the wisdom of allowing developers to continue to build within the LVRP AONB. One of the glaring consequences of such construction is the destruction of natural soakaways, vital in managing water volumes during heavy rainfall.

Why More Building Equals More Flooding: A No-Brainer Connection

It’s a simple equation: more buildings mean more impermeable surfaces, leaving rainwater with fewer places to go. Without the natural absorptive capacity provided by green spaces and undeveloped land, the water has nowhere to escape, leading to increased instances of flooding. It’s a no-brainer.

The Ongoing Mission to Preserve Our Green Heart

Our community’s ongoing mission to protect the Lagan Valley AONB is not just about preserving its breathtaking landscapes and biodiversity—it’s about safeguarding our homes from the very real threat of another flood posed by climate change compounded by ill-considered development.

Your Voice Matters: Join the Cause

Together, we stand as advocates for sensible and sustainable planning practices. Join our cause, share our stories, and let your voice be heard. The future of our community and the health of our environment depend on our collective commitment to preserving the green heart of Lagan Valley.

Stay engaged, stay informed, and let’s continue this crucial journey together.

With thanks to www.walkitoffni.com for the video, The Quarterlands Team