Wastewater Treatment works are maxed out across the country. In Drumbeg this has been clearly pointed out for sometime. so why is greenfield new building allowed?

Also do these figures cover changes before and since Covid, given the changes in people working from home.

NIW 22-23 Annual Report

The New NIW 22-23 annual report is a difficult production to wade through to find the relevant information. Their online search is somewhat clunky

NIW Annual Report 22-23

However page 46

Contains the page – screenshot here which shows that the state of play with WwTW is as we know and even by 2027 their own prediction is that this area will still be under serious development restriction.

LCCC Settlements Served by Wastewater Treatment Works
Version – March 2022

Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
Settlements Served by Wastewater Treatment Works
Version – March 2022

Drumbeg is mentioned 16 times in this document and at all points it is categorised in red – New Development refused – No Capacity or Works has ‘Insufficient Capacity’.

Link to document here

Committee for Infrastructure:
Forward work planning discussion paper

Committee for Infrastructure:
Forward work planning discussion paper
(update of paper published in March 2020)

Page 19

Diagram of maxed out WwTW in NI

link to full document here