Dear Community Members,
We would like to provide you with an update on the proposed development within the Lagan Valley Regional Park. As you may recall, the original application was paused in mid-July due to our understanding of new planning laws requiring the inclusion of ‘affordable housing’ in all future applications. We have been closely monitoring the situation, and we have important developments to share.
New Version Submitted for Approval: An updated version of the development proposal has been submitted for approval. This revised submission includes the addition of one semi-detached house and a smaller site. However, it is important to note that the new submission does not mention ‘affordable housing,’ which was a significant concern for our community. We understand that this aspect has been a point of contention in our discussions and objections.
Status of Addressed Concerns: We would like to acknowledge the dedication and effort that many of you put into voicing your concerns and objections during the earlier stages of this process. Unfortunately, upon reviewing the new documents, we have found that many of our objections have not been adequately addressed. The concerns regarding the removal of the ancient hawthorn hedgerow and unresolved sewerage issues have not received the attention we had hoped for.