The proposed development inside Lagan Valley Regional Park has received over 400 written objections and a petition with 1840+ signatures against it. In this post we highlight one of the grounds for objections – the design, siting and layout of the site.

Incompatibility with the Character of the Local Area

The properties adjacent to the proposed site are low buildings with a maximum of 1.5 storeys. The ground level of the proposed site is almost two metres higher than the surrounding land, and the houses to be built on it will be almost three storeys high, meaning they will tower over the surrounding hamlet.

Safety Risks

A further design flaw in the development is the lack of footways, which will be problematic for disabled access.

Impact on Residents

Residents’ enjoyment of their properties, privacy and quiet rural setting will be significantly impacted, with significant future harm risks, infringing on Article 8(2) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Images showing mismatch in scale between proposed development and surrounding homes:

Illustration showing height of new development and surrounding properties