33 Months On – Your Support is More Important Than Ever!
Dear Friends and Supporters,
It’s been a sobering couple of years, filled with challenges and obstacles that at times seemed overwhelming. Yet, thanks to you and the dedication of our 1,904 signatories, we’ve made incredible progress. Today, the Quarterlands GROUP is an official community group and an NGO, committed to continuing the fight to protect the Lagan Valley Regional Park and its unique biodiversity.
Now, as we prepare to attend a specially convened Planning Committee meeting with the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council’s Planning Department, we need your support more than ever.
🌟 Why This Fight Is So Important
The Lagan Valley Regional Park is a rare and precious natural space, home to a rich variety of wildlife and plant life. Allowing greenfield development here is jeopardising the very biodiversity that makes our region unique. We believe in sustainable growth, focusing on brownfield development first, and we need to make that message crystal clear to the Council.
But no matter what happens at the meeting, we are committed to protecting Lagan Valley in the days, months, and years to come. This is a long-term fight, and we are in it for the long haul. 🛠️
💥 What You Can Do NOW 💥
This is a crucial moment for our cause. If you can attend, please join us to show that the community cares deeply about protecting our green spaces. The more people in the room, the stronger our message.
📅 Date: Wednesday 18th September
🕒 Time: 5pm
📍 Location: Council Chamber, LCCC, Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn BT27 ARL
If you can’t be there in person, don’t worry—you can still help! Share this petition on your social media, and encourage others to do the same. Every share makes a difference and builds momentum.
📢 Use your voice online!
Post it, tweet it, talk about it! Let’s create a ripple effect and make sure the Council knows that our community stands united.
No to greenfield development. Yes to protecting The Lagan Valley!
🚩 Our Commitment – No Matter What
We know the road ahead will continue to be challenging, but no matter the outcome of Wednesday’s meeting, we will not stop. The Quarterlands Group is committed to defending Lagan Valley for the long term. This fight isn’t just about a single meeting—it’s about preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity of our park for generations to come.
We also pledge to support other community groups in their fights. If you’re an #accidentalactivist, like we are someone who found themselves defending their community against development, and for biodiversity and communities get in touch with us! We’re here to share our experiences, offer advice, and help in any way we can.
🙏 THANK YOU for Your Support! 🙏
The journey over these 33 months has been tough, but with your help, we’ve come this far. And with your continued support, we can go even further—together. Let’s stand strong for Lagan Valley, for our community, and for sustainable development.
✊ Take Action NOW!
- Attend the meeting and stand with us.
- Share this post and our petition on social media and grow the movement.
- Join us in protecting Lagan Valley for the future!
Once again, THANK YOU for your incredible dedication. Together, we can and will make a difference. 💚