June 2024 Update: Drumbeg Wastewater Treatment Works at Capacity – No New Development

Northern Ireland Water has confirmed once again that Drumbeg Wastewater Treatment Works is at full capacity, as of June 2024. This means no new development can be facilitated in the area without significant investment to upgrade the infrastructure. Yet, Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Planners are still recommending approval for new developments – this makes no sense.

With the state of the existing system, we’re deeply concerned about the potential for further deterioration of our waterways in the Lagan Valley. It’s all connected – the Lagan River and aquifer are at risk from overburdening this already struggling infrastructure. Continuing to approve new developments could lead to serious health risks for local residents, not to mention the negative impact on tourism, which relies on a clean and healthy environment.

The clue is in the name: Lagan River Valley. Our water ultimately ends up there, and without proper infrastructure and treatment, we’re playing a dangerous game with our community’s future including risking toxic Blue Green Algae in our local waterways.