Drumbeg Waste Water Treatment Works

Settlements Served by Wastewater Treatment Works Version - January 2019

In this document –

LCCC Local Development Plan Technical Supplement 6: Telecommunications,
Public Services & Utilities November 2019

click here to download

Page 22 – information from 2019 Quite clearly shows that they think the system is maxxed out there is no room for further additions to the system and this information was from four years ago. There have been a number of houses built since then.

In other not news – Northern Ireland Water website today still says

That their capacity mapping tool and sewer network modelling have identified capacity issues in parts of the Drumbeg, wastewater networks.

‘Please note that only treatment works without available capacity are listed. The asterisk (*) denotes treatment works that are currently scheduled for investment or upgrades. This list provides an overview of wastewater treatment works specific to each council area.’

Drumbeg is listed in their WasteWater capacity Information and does not have the  (*) so has capacity issues and is not yet set to have anything done about it  

NI Water Capacity Information

click here to go to site and scroll down to Lisburn Castlereagh