Category Archives: LCCC Planners

Drumbeg Wastewater Treatment at Capacity

Worrying Suds and Foam that smelt bad River Lagan

PE (Population Equivalent) and Drumbeg WwTw Capacity Concerns Wastewater Management Issues in Drumbeg The recent discussions on the Drumbeg Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTw) capacity have highlighted significant concerns about the proposed new developments in the area. Based on detailed reports from NI Water and the Departmental Solicitor’s Office (DSO), we delve into the critical data […]

Concerns Over Planning Application Process

Section 43

Section 43 of the Local Government Act (NI) 2014 Dear Community, We wish to express our dissatisfaction with the handling of the planning application LA05/2022/0033/F. There are significant issues regarding the fairness and transparency of the process, particularly related to the accessibility of meeting agendas and reports. Key Points: We believe these issues continue to […]

Committee Meeting Postponed Again:

“`html An Update for Our Community We regret to inform you that the committee meeting we were diligently preparing for on June 3rd has been postponed once again. This news may not come as a surprise to many of you who have been closely following our updates. Unanswered Questions If you track back through some […]

📢 Attention Quarterlands Community Members! 📢

We regret to inform you that despite our best efforts, our case has not been added to the agenda for the upcoming Planning Committee meeting on Monday, May 13th. We understand and share your frustration, especially for those who have once again rearranged their schedules, arranged childcare, or taken time off work to participate. It’s […]

Footways and Footpaths, accidents by design??

Concerns on Proposed Development Site Design: Key Safety Points 1. PSD Maps for Review: Attached are three PSD maps detailing the proposed development site. Due to design issues have arisen, particularly regarding footways and parking accommodations within the site.. 2. Footways vs. Rumble Strips: The August 2023 map references footpaths and footways, yet none extend […]

Letter 2 to LCCC Planners re: altered documents

Proposed site LA05/2022/0033/F we will lose the biodiversity

On February 1 we sent Q4 and Q5 our new documents to the LCCC Planning department (see on our documents page). One of our group happened to check Q4 a few days later and found that not only were there pages missing and out of order but content, had been removed. They had retitled it […]

Letter to LCCC Planners re: Altered Document

Proposed site LA05/2022/0033/F we will lose the biodiversity

We want our supporters to be aware of this situation as we seek explanation and accountability. Your continued support is invaluable to us, and together, we will ensure that the integrity of our documents and proper process is upheld. Our Q4 document (Q4 Response to Ecological Appraisal Report by AECOM 040123) sent to the planners […]


Important Update: LCCC Planning Committee Meeting Postponed Dear Quarterlands Community, The much-anticipated LCCC Planning Committee meeting, which we have all been preparing for, has been postponed at the last minute again. The exact rescheduled date remains uncertain, with speculations ranging from a couple of weeks to a later timeframe. Unfortunately, no official confirmation is available […]

David vs. Goliath: Quarterlands’ Fight Against Development

Dear Quarterlands Community, For over two years, Quarterlands Group has stood united, voicing our serious concerns and objections against a proposed development that threatens the very essence of our community and the natural beauty surrounding us. Over 450 letters of objection have been submitted. Our efforts have been fueled by a shared passion to protect […]