Author Archives: Quarterlands

Why Drumbeg Is Unsuitable for Further Expansion

Lacking amenities and proper infrastructure, Drumbeg cannot support the proposed new development at Quarterlands Road. [...]

The Hidden Costs of Suburban Sprawl in Drumbeg

 Urban sprawl threatens our rural community, draining resources from inner-city areas and causing environmental harm. [...]

Pollution in the River Lagan: A Threat to Lagan Valley Regional Park and Belfast Lough

The River Lagan, the spine of the Lagan Valley Regional Park (LVRP), faces significant pollution [...]

Environmental Risks from Quarterlands Development

Environmental concerns around sewage overflow and flood risks are mounting with the proposed Quarterlands development. [...]

Ballyskeagh Road the morning reality!

How can DOE Roads not have issue with this! During the Planning Committee MeetingS DoE Roads said [...]


In the Centre of Lagan Valley Regional Park During the planning committee meetings it was [...]


We took the area of the audio recording we were interested in and popped it [...]

News Update

LCCC Planning Committee recommended approval of the Development at Quarterlands Road on 14 October 2024. [...]

Mapping Blue-green algae

This map on the ARCGIS website shows the locations where blue-green algae is present in [...]

The River Valley

The Red Dot Shows Drumbeg. Planners seem unable to face the fact that all water, [...]