We have been surprised and disappointed by the lack of care for our community. The disregard for the biodiversity, the lack of consideration of our infrastructure and the intransigent attitude to this planning proposal.

Throughout this process we have had the Developer and even some elected representatives tell us in no uncertain terms that ‘this is a done deal.’ The Planners have recommended approval from the outset. Our research shows serious problems and concerns inherent in every aspect of this proposal, and we seek to have this application not approved.

We have been made abundantly aware that as residents we are not ‘paid professionals’ or ‘planning law experts’ but we firmly believe that the voice of the residents of the Lagan Valley Regional Park, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, should not be summarily dismissed. 1,908 people signed the petition many leaving notes that made it clear that they are local and care about these issues. Over 400 people sent written objections to the proposal many of which the planners refuse to count or have made inaccessible.

This development goes before a ‘Special Planning Committee’ Meeting in the Council Chamber at LCCC tomorrow at 5pm and tonight according to the Planning Portal none of the statutory consultees have replied to enquiries. How is anyone supposed to make an informed decision.

